Well it snowed a little bit today. Not enough to cover the ground and stay but first sign of snowflakes were today. The forecast does call for chance of flurries friday and saturday.
To get me in the mood for snow i decided to make some great window decorations
I bought these bags of precut foam snowflakes at the dollar store last year intending to use them for something. The snow flakes came in darker blue and lighter blue and white. There are 3 different bigger designs and 3 different smaller designs. I choose to use the larger snowflakes.
I even glitterized them. Some of them i left plain white, Some of them i did silver glitter and some have shimmery white glitter on them. I choose to alter them in designs and height but attaching them with basic white sewing thread. I heard that basic white sewing thread doesn't reflect a glare like fishing line would. This was a very simple project but adds that little something to my windows for the holidays.
I only hung snowflakes in the front two windows that are visible from the street. Sorry for the one picture but i was looking up at the snowflakes because the wicker blind covers most of them.
I also wanted to share what i found at the sally anne today. I got some great finds today
I got these great wine glasses 2 of them were .25 cents each and the taller one was .75 cents
Here's a closer look at the stems of the glasses, i just love them. I actually think I'm gonna use them for candles
I got this great piece of pottery for $5.00, i don't like the colour really but i can paint it.
i got this great galvanized bucket for $1.50 |
These 3 great candle holders that are like light weight cast iron. One was $2.00, another $1.50 and the last was $1. Just happened to turn my head at the last second on my way out and there they were. Beauty calling my name.
This was the first piece i found a cute little silver candle holder for .75 cents.